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Michael Pfeiffer
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I'd like to thank the Metz-Werke GmbH & Co KG for the impression I've got from their web site. I immediately was fallen for their former layout and color collection so I couldn't resist to layout my site as it is now.

Because I am not familar with creating web pages using JavaScript and cascading style sheets I was looking for some code for creating the dynamic menu which is used on my pages like a sub site map. I discovered DHTML Tree which provides a expandable and collapsable tree using an unsorted list environment of HTML and an adapted style sheet. I had to make some changes like creating a work around for an opera bug and make the tree usable as a site map navigation tool. So special thanks to Matt Kruse for his great JavaScript collection.

Some additional points

I have tried to make the pages presented here as compatible as possible. Most of them got a positive check of the W3C validator. For a persuasion of the GMX server I have accepted the one error on the main page. Press the logo below to see what I mean!

Valid HTML 4.01 Transitional