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Michael Pfeiffer
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The sepa(1) command creates pain xml files for uploading to an online banking portal for batch booking. Furthermore it maintains a database for mandates which are necessary for debit booking.

If one has to do several bank tansactions repeatedly and if the transfer amount or the set of creditors/debitors changes often it's more confortable to edit the data in a text file on the PC instead of using the online banking site to do the job.

sepa converts the text files and keep track of the used mandates. sepa is able to create log and receipt files to record the transaction in a readable form.



uses CONTROL_FILE for creating transaction pain file (see: sepa(5))


show the mandate data base entries


show detailed information about the mandate with MANDATE_ID.


show version string

If no command was specified the -c command is executed with the default control file sepa0.ctl as parameter.



Define your mandate database if you don’t want to use the default database ${HOME}/.sepa.


In the case of debit transactions the resulting pain file may contain only transactions of the same sub type (first: f, repeating: r, last: l or once: o). If your CONTROL_FILE contains transactions of different debit sub types you have to specify which transaction type should be placed into the resulting pain file. As default type r is taken. If this option is omitted and the CONTROL_FILE contains different sub types a warning is emited.


create a receipt file under basename of CONTROL_FILE with .doc as suffix. This option can only be used in conjunction with the -c command. The resulting file contains a summing-up of all transactions of CONTROL_FILE. This file was the Begleitzettel of the former dtaus data exchange.


create a log file under basename of CONTROL_FILE with .sik as suffix. This option can only be used in conjunction with the -c command. The resulting file contains a synopsis of all transactions of CONTROL_FILE and a sum amount of all transactions.





Failure (syntax or usage error).


sepa(5), dtaus(1), dtaus(5)


sepa was developed to replace the dtaus tool (http://www.infodrom.org/projects/dtaus) for the data exchange to the bank portal system. Based on the dtaus sources a sepa tool was created which uses the same configuration scheme.



Copyright (C) 2014 Michael Pfeiffer. Free use of this software is granted under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).